Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Fight With Flare

Hi everyone, it's Lucy, telling you about my fight with Raven Tail's Flare Corona!

Raven Tail played dirty during our match.

"I was doing good during the match. I've never felt stronger!"

I was opening gate after gate with magic power to spare!

"But then Flare did that horrible thing and threatened Asuka, Bisca and Alzeck's daughter"

Luckily, Natsu heard Flare's trick and went to save Asuka by burning her hair! 

"Natsu has always had my back. I'm so glad I met him that day in Hargeon."

But until he did save me, Flare had me bound and beaten, and was about to burn me.

"And maybe it was because I had to let her win in fear that she would hurt Asuka that my last spell failed."

But I didn't feel like I didn't have enough magic power.

"Gemini and I were working so well together, besides the bath towel thing."

We were using the spell that Hibiki taught me seven years ago.
But suddenly, it all vanished. And my magic was drained. And Flare was declared the winner.
I'm not sure what happened, but I know that she cheated.

"It's so frustrating. To know that I should've won. But that I didn't because the Games overlooked her cheating."

And I wanted so badly to win. Not just for me, but for Fairy Tail, and Wendy, and Gray.

"But Natsu has made me confident."

"We can win this!
We will turn these games around!
And we will beat our opponents and become Fiore's strongest guild!
No matter what odds are thrown at us!"

Here's the Standings After the First Challenge with Gray

The first round's competition was called Hidden!
None of us knew what to expect, but we all got thrown in this little town with a bunch of clones.
Attacking a clone lost you a point, attacking an opponent earned you a point.
Nalpudding came after me first and he got a point out of me.

"'s not like I let him beat me up too bad."

I really don't wanna talk about it, but I didn't make the team very proud. 
It's a lame representation on how strong Fairy Tail really is. 
But Nalpuddding kept coming after me. Over and over. 
He wouldn't attack anyone else. 
I've got a funny feeling about that Raven Tail guild. 
But then Rufus of Sabertooth came out of no where and got all of us at once. 
Sabertooth is the real deal alright, but I'm sure we can take 'em. 
I'll make them both pay.
Lucy's gonna go up against Flare soon, and I know she'll do her best. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hi it's Lucy and Gray With Your First Update!

As some of you know, Natsu started this blog up so we could keep you updated on our adventures in the Fiore's Grand Magic Games!

"However, Natsu's sleeping off a meal right now."

Instead, me and Gray are here to post about the current standings!

Master Makarov chose two teams to represent Fairy Tail in the Grand Prix!

The A Team included:

Natsu Dragneel

Gray Fullbuster


Erza Scarlet

Myself, Lucy

"But what was master thinking?"

And Wendy Marvel.

But when Wendy went missing, Elfman stepped up to substitute!

But, behind our backs, master put together a B Team!

"I don't know why he didn't think mention that to us!"

So we're going up against Gajeel, Juvia, Laxus, Mirajane, and Jellal--I mean, Mystogan.

And when we all competed in the primarily events, both teams made it in the eight slots! 

With the first games about to begin, we had to pick a representative to participate for our team, 

After Lyon stepped up for Lamia Scale, Gray chose to go against him. 

"I'm gonna win this one!"

"...Right...Just don't get too cocky, Gray! 
Lyon is pretty strong, and you still have to beat the 6 other wizards competing!"

"Piece of cake. Wish me luck, everyone."